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Development focus Development focus

The current development focus of the Institute is based on the curriculum and research direction of the two major fields of "Molecular Medicine" and "Translation Medicine" according to the future professional development interval of graduate students. The course content is overlapping and complementary.

Establish a brief history Establish a brief history
With the rapid development of life science research, biotechnology-related industries and applications are becoming more diversified, and the biomedical field has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the application of biotechnology. National Sun Yat-sen University established a master's degree in biomedical research in 1999. A complete and solid education and research training for the talents in the field of biomedical sciences was established. After the approval of the Ministry of Education in 2002, doctoral classes were established.

Over the years, all the teachers and students of the medical doctors have worked together to achieve scale. In addition to the electronic journals provided by the school library, the library also has early paper journals in related fields. In terms of instruments, the public instrument center of the Institute has been completed by the school subsidy and the efforts of all teachers for many years. It has cell biology and protein. In addition to the physical and molecular biology related equipment, our students can also use the instruments of the Biomedical Center and the National Instruments Center of the National Science and Technology Center of Sun Yat-sen University. The research resources are sufficient for research needs.

The Institute focuses on the growth of students' professional knowledge. Each year, large-scale seminars are held, and domestic and foreign well-known research scholars are invited to give lectures on their research results so that students can absorb new knowledge. At the same time, it also actively handles student counseling, and regularly organizes student activities, teacher-student talks, Chaishan hiking and old-fashioned activities.

In addition, we also plan student career development and hold a series of lectures, including graduation alumni experience sharing, off-campus corporate visits, student employment vision seminars and alumni associations, so that our students can understand their sexual orientation, job market needs and changes, as well as Strengthen the interaction of graduates, promote the mutual assistance and benign competition among peers, and achieve the complete education of the talents in the field of biomedical science.

Purpose of establishment Purpose of establishment
The purpose of the establishment of the Institute is to cultivate life science talents with core knowledge and capabilities in biomedical and biotechnology.
1.Cultivate biomedical and biotech talents.
2.Lay the foundation of our school in the field of biomedical research.
3.Strengthen the integration of the school in the field of biotechnology.
4.Promote cooperation between the school and other medical institutions in the Kaohsiung area.

Educational goal
The Institute hopes to cultivate a deep biomedical background, broad bioscience knowledge, clear and clear thinking, and master modern intellectuals with strong new knowledge. Therefore, the following educational goals are planned:
1.Cultivate solid basic professional knowledge and experimental techniques: develop basic knowledge of biomedicine and biotechnology, and understand, analyze and solve problems, so that continuous development and learning in relevant professional fields.
2.Develop the capacity for independent thinking, independent research, and planning to conduct case studies: develop the ability to continue to pursue further studies or employment in biomedical and biotechnology-related fields.
3.Cultivate lifelong learning and international perspectives: Develop the ability to absorb the latest international biomedical and biotechnology information technologies, and participate in international conferences and international teamwork.
4.Develop professional ethics, work discipline, teamwork and effective communication skills: Develop professional skills, integration skills and social responsibility skills to become responsible researchers and leaders in the workplace.

Student core competence
Based on the founding philosophy of the National Sun Yat-Sen University and the educational goals of the Institute, the development direction and focus of the Institute is set as "Cancer Biomedicine". The curriculum structure plan aims to provide graduate students with basic academic courses and experimental training, and to develop students' core competencies. The core competencies of students include:
(1) The ability to apply biomedical related knowledge.
(2) The ability to design and execute experiments and analyze data.
(3) The ability to integrate knowledge and technology in various fields of biomedicine.
(4) The ability to plan books and papers.
(5) The spirit of communication and coordination and teamwork, and the professional ethics of biomedical staff.
(6) Establish the habits and abilities to absorb new knowledge, lifelong learning, practical thinking and international thinking.

The curriculum design of the Institute is based on "Student Education and Supplementary Counseling". Students choose courses according to their own interests and needs, so that students can gradually establish their future development direction during the schooling period, and cooperate with a series of lecture activities. Students understand their own sexual orientation, the needs and changes of the job market. Our graduates are mainly divided into three directions (below), which are continuing education, industrial services and academic research units.